How To Take Care of Your Sensitive Skin

How To Take Care of Your Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is a very common condition that seems to be growing in frequency. As surprising as it may seem, some people may not even realize they have sensitive skin because it's something they've always experienced. But if your skin feels uncomfortable in any way, you should investigate to discover what is the cause.

What is Sensitive Skin?

Sensitive skin is defined as skin that is easily irritated. It isn't a disease that is diagnosed. It's usually symptomatic of other skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, or something else.

If you or a loved one struggle with sensitive skin, it means you're more likely to experience skin redness, itching, burning, tightness and even stinging.Ā Sensitive skin is more likely to over-react to even minor irritants.Ā 

According to WebMD, dermatologists look for the following when diagnosing sensitive skin...

  • Skin reactions such as pustules, skin bumps, or skin erosion
  • Very dry skin which doesn't properly protect nerve endings in the skin
  • A tendency toward blushing and skin flushing
Washing hands with Purity Goat Milk Soap
"I love this soap! I even use it on my face. I'm 68 and have very sensitive and "mature" skin. All the other products I've used don't do what they promise and it's a waste of money. I love the subtle scent. In the last year or so I've had a rash breakout on my back and upper arms twice itchy! Doctors called it allergic dermatitis from an unknown source. They prescribed a greasy lotion like Vaseline. Yuck. So I started using Purity and exfoliating only and am happy with the results! I'm a satisfied customer! Thank you!" -Ā Karen H.

What Causes Sensitive Skin?

The weather (extreme heat, cold, humidity, or wind), allergies, food ingredients, and topical ingredients can impact your skin and trigger it to turn red, dry out, sting, feel itchy or tight. It can even react with bumps, scales, or hives.

Sensitive skin can be caused by a number of factors, including age, genetics, environmental factors, and certain skin conditions. In fact,Ā eczema, contact dermatitis, rosacea, and others can often exacerbate sensitive skin issues.

If your skin is injured or excessively dry, it may not be able to properly protect nerve endings in the skin. This can also lead to sensitive skin.

While skin conditions that cause sensitive skin aren't usually medically dangerous - they can be quiteĀ obviousĀ and lead to feelings of embarrassment, shame, or inadequacy. Because of this, it's important to learn how to take care of your skin correctly.

Let's talk about seven steps you can take to properly care for your sensitive skin.

1. Understand your own skin.

Many people will tell you that you should consult with a professional, such as a dermatologist or aesthetician to determine your skin type. They can examine your skin and decide your skin type based on their years of experience and expertise.

Others will tell you to try some at-home testsĀ such as the "tissue test." This common test tells you to simply clean your face and then press a tissue against it. The tissue will come away with visible oily residue if your skin is oily. If your skin is dry, the tissue will show flaky skin. And if your skin is somewhere in between, the tissue will have a little bit of both oil and flakiness.

The theory is that once you know your skin type, you can start choosing products to help you achieve healthy skin. Marketers will tell you that knowing your skin type is essential to choosing the right skincare products. If you use products that are too harsh for your skin, you could end up causing more harm than good. Conversely, your skin may never reach its full potential if you don't use enough of the right products.

We don't believe that identifying a "skin type" is essential. Instead, understand your skin. Understand where it tends to get dry, where it tends to be oily. Does it change as your hormones fluctuate throughout the month? How is it changing as you get older? What about during the seasons?

Few people tend to only have one skin type. Understanding your skin is better than classifying it.

2. Research the ingredients in the products you are thinking of using.

For sensitive skin, finding the right products can be a challenge. Not only do you have to worry about ingredients that might irritate your skin, but you also have to be careful about using products that are too harsh.

That's why it's so important to do your research before buying any new products. By taking the time to read labels and reviews, you can ensure that you're investing in products that will work for your skin type.

And while it might take a little extra time upfront, your efforts will pay off in the long run when you find products that improve your skin.

Goat milk is an ingredient that can help almost everyone no matter what skin type they have or how their skin changes. Goat milk naturally contains both Vitamin A and Lactic Acid - bothĀ of which are wonderful and offer many benefits for your skin.

Organic Castile Goat Milk Soap
"As one who has suffered from atopic eczemoid dermatitis for most of my life, I can say that your Castile soap is about as good as it can get. In spite of the occasional patches of eczema, I find that the soap has imparted a real softness to my skin that one would not expect in a person of my age (74), and it truly has no scent- a real boon to those of us who are sensitive and have allergies. Thanks for your obvious concern and conscientiousness in delivering great products." -Ā Sandy H.

3. Build a proper skincare routine.

If you have sensitive skin, finding the right skincare products can be a bit of a challenge. With so many products on the market, it can be tough to know where to start. But building a skincare routine tailored to your skin's needs is essential for keeping your complexion looking healthy and happy.

Here are a few reasons why a customized skincare routine is vital for sensitive skin:

The right skincare routine helps you avoid irritation.Ā Sensitive skin is easily irritated by harsh chemicals and fragrances. By using gentle, natural products, you can help avoid triggering any redness or inflammation.

The right skincare routine helps you get the most out of your products.Ā When you use the right products for your skin type, they're more likely to work effectively. That means your sensitive skin will benefit from all the good stuff - like hydration, antioxidants, and exfoliation - and you'll see better results overall.

The right skincare routine helps you save money.Ā Let's be honest - trial and error can be costly when finding the right skincare products. However, once you get it right, you will save money in the long run by figuring out what works for your sensitive skin. Goat Milk Stuff offers smallerĀ sizes to help you locate the best options for your skin.

The truth is that most people use too many products on their skin. This can expose their skin to hundreds of ingredients. Start simple. A good skincare routine should include gentle cleansing and moisturizing at frequencies that work for your skin.

4. Find the right soap and skincare products for you.

The most suitable soap and skincare products can make all the difference to sensitive skin. Unfortunately, many products contain harsh chemicals that irritate sensitive skin, causing redness, itchiness, and even rashes.

That's why it's essential to find products specifically designed for sensitive skin. So, if you're searching for the right soap and skincare products for your sensitive skin, be sure to look for ones specifically designed for your needs. Your skin will thank you for it!

Goat Milk Bath
"Both of my kids have extremely sensitive skin and one has eczema. Goat Milk Stuff has been a life saver since they were born!! We recently started using the milk bath and itā€™s absolutely amazing!!! And my boys love it!" - Amy V.

If you're struggling with any of the following skin issues, please check out the links and read what others are saying about how Goat Milk Stuff products helped their skin issues.

Everyone's skin is different and so we can't promise our goat milk soaps and other products will relieve your skin issues. But it has done just that for thousands of people.

5. Patch test before using any type of skincare products.

Even products marketed as "gentle" or "hypoallergenic" can sometimes cause problems for sensitive skin. That's why it's always a good idea to do a patch test before using any new product on your face or body.

To do a patch test, apply a small amount of the product to a small area of skin, such as your wrist, the inside of your elbow, or below your jaw line. Then wait 24-48 hours to see if any irritation develops.

If you don't experience any redness, itching, or burning, the product is probably safe to use on your sensitive skin.

6. Moisturize your skin carefully and thoroughly.Ā 

Dry skin is not only only uncomfortable, but it can also lead to worsening skin conditions. And extremely dry skin can lead to cracking and peeling which opens your body up for infection.

Be sure to do what you can to keep your skin moist and hydrated. This includes using soaps that don't dry out your skin as well as applying a lotion as needed.

Please keep in mind that liquid lotion (anything that you can squeeze, squirt, or pump) contains a liquid environment that can host and grow bacteria. This liquid environment requires the use of chemical preservatives to prevent any bacterial growth.

While these chemical preservatives keep nasty bacteria at bay (a good thing), they can also irritate your already sensitive skin (a bad thing).Ā 

Using a Solid Goat Milk Lotion to moisturize your skin helps to hydrate your skin, adds the goodness of goat milk, and does not require any chemical preservatives since there is no liquid environment.Ā 

Almond Goat Milk Solid Lotion
"I feel so blessed that I found your site when I did. I have very itchy eczema on my arms, neck and face. Prescriptions made it much worse - like my skin was burning. I thankfully tried Almond lotion stick on my arms and it felt so soothing. It took about 2 days gradually redness itchy burning skin on my arms was feeling so much better. I rubbed it all over my face and neck. My skin loves Goat Milk Stuff and they smell so yummy. I have loved and used everything I have received and canā€™t wait for my next shipment to arrive." -Ā Lisa T.

You can read more details about the Best Lotions to useĀ if you'd like more details.

7. Minimize your exposure to chemicals where possible.

In our modern lives, chemicals surround us - they are often found in the foods we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the products we use.

Wherever possible, minimize the chemicals that you are exposed to.

  • Avoid processed foods and drinks
  • Drink filtered water.
  • Use natural laundry soaps, dishwashing soaps, and household cleaners.

The ingredients we put directly on our sensitive skin can often cause quick reactions. But the ingredients we put into our bodies also have an impact on the health of skin.

Start small, but take steps to reduce the chemicals in your life.

Embrace your Sensitive SkinĀ 

Life can feel very irritating when you have allergies and sensitive skin.Ā But remember that even sensitive skin still does an amazing job taking care of you.

Your skin protects your body from bacteria and contaminants that can harm you. It helps regulate your body temperature to keep you safe. Your skin senses when things are too hot or cold and is dangerous for you to touch. And your skin helps with the production of Vitamin D3 which is essential for your immune system. Don't write off your sensitive skin as hopeless.

At Goat Milk Stuff, our purpose is to bring you joy through the goodness of goat milk.Ā We know that healthy skin is happy skin and we want to enable you to find the joy that healthy skin can bring.

Your skin - even your sensitive skin - does an amazing job caring for you. AndĀ  we hope to be able to help you in your efforts to care for your sensitive skin.

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