Goat Milk Soap

Can You Make Goat Milk Soap Without Lye?
Our goat milk soap is made right here on the farm with realĀ ingredients. Most of the ingredients are food grade with the exception of one ingredient - lye. Many peopleĀ are concerned about lye as an ingredient but it is necessaryĀ when making soap.
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Goat Milk vs Cow Milk
Is goat milk better for you than cow milk? We certainly believe so and we hope you will too. Find out some of the differences between cow milk and goat milk and why we believe the answer is a definite "Yes!".
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How to Safely Exfoliate Your Skin
Your skin constantly repairs and produces new skin cells, leaving behind layers of old, dead skin cells. Exfoliating to remove these dead skin cells can uncover and reveal newer, healthier skin. Discover a few ways to safely exfoliate your skin.
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How is Soap Made?
Saponification is the chemical reaction that takes place when soap is made. Learn how the soap making process works and the steps we took at Goat Milk Stuff to make sure we make the best goat milk soaps possible for our family and yours.
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Raw Goat Milk - Is it Really Safe and Healthy?
Raw milk is a controversial topic and it is up to everyone to understand the risks and benefits before making a decision as to what is best for their family. The Jonas family consumes raw goat milk but we do not believe that raw milk is right for everyone.
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What is Solid Lotion, and What are its Benefits?
At Goat Milk Stuff, we make aĀ solid lotionĀ because it doesn't require any harmful chemical preservatives that liquid lotion does.Ā It leaves your skin soft and smooth and many people much prefer the solid lotion once they've made the switch.
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