Goat Milk Soap

Goat Milk Yogurt - Yes, You Can Make It Yourself!
One of the foods that the children make quite often is goat milk yogurt. We love it and it is full of probiotics that help keep their gut and immune systems healthy. Here is how we make drinkable goat milk yogurt.
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15 Ways to Use Goat Milk
SinceĀ we have a growing business, we keep our goat herdĀ slightly larger than we think it needs to be, just in case we have an unexpected growth spurt. And because extra goats means extra milk, we've become very adept at using goat milk.
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What Does Unscented Truly Mean?
We understand that unscented skincare products are very important for anyone who is hyper-sensitive to scent. Because of this, we want to clarify what "unscented" really means when it comes to the soaps and lotions made at Goat Milk Stuff.
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Is Goat Milk Soap Hypoallergenic?
I'm always stumped by the question: "Is yourĀ goat milk soapĀ hypoallergenic?" Why? Because the term "hypoallergenic" is pretty meaningless. Find out what that term means and what we do to make sure people with allergies have options.
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5 Reasons You Need Your Skin!
Your skin does a lot for you and plays an important role in keeping your body healthy.Ā One simple way to treat your skin right is to useĀ goat milk soapĀ that will moisturize your skin with healthy ingredients. So, what does your skin do for you?
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5 Reasons to Avoid Antibacterial Soaps
I have long believed that anti-bacterial soaps are not healthy and that people should avoid using them.Ā If you're not convinced that anti-bacterial soaps should be avoided, here are five reasons why you should remove all anti-bacterial products from your home.
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